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Christian Life

Are You On The Right Bus?

Quite a few years ago, I was traveling by interstate bus from Brisbane to Melbourne. On these buses, travelers are allotted set seat numbers with their tickets. I had arrived early and found my seat just in time to watch this small drama unfold. A man was already settled into the seat immediately in read more

Cross Gender Relationships

I was wandering through one of my online social networks one night looking for people with whom I would like to relate. I came across one young woman who said in her blog that she had just deleted all males from her friends list. She somehow based this on 1 Timothy 2:11-15, and felt that she should read more

Kisses From Daddy

Before I begin this post I need to make something absolutely clear. When I speak about God as Daddy, this is only one aspect of His personality. Sadly, it seems that many Christians today fall into either of two extreme categories. Some see God only as a benign father (or grandfather); a being who a read more

New and Old

It’s a new year. Of course, that’s only true in the western world that counts January 1st as the beginning of the year – other cultures observe different New Year’s Days. Technically, to observe a true new year, we would need to know the date on which God first spoke the word read more

Rock Concert Worship?

Yesterday I attended a big church in our state’s capital city. I went because one of my favorite preachers, a man whose messages downloaded from the internet have blessed me greatly, was ministering there, and I wanted to get “close up” to his anointing, even though it involved sev read more


A friend of mine is spending some time in the desert. God has taken him out of a very successful area of ministry, and he is waiting for the Lord to reveal the next steps in his walk with Him. I sympathize with him – I’ve been there myself many times, and it is not a place that I enjoy at al read more
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