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Here’s Why …

As some of my readers know, I spend most of my Fridays sitting in shopping centres doing Appeal Days, collecting donations for Glory to the King Ministries International’s humanitarian work. The other day, someone asked me why I do it. Here’s why …

I am 63 years old. I have never not had a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in. I have never gone to bed hungry, other than by choice when I have been fasting. I have never not had clothes to wear or shoes on my feet.

I have friends and family who love me. I have books and music. I have a car to get me where I want to go, and all the technology I need to make my life work. I have clean water and fresh air, and am surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. I have eyes that can see and ears that can hear, arms that can carry and legs that can walk. I live in the best country in the world, and at the most exciting time in history. Most of all, I have a relationship with the living God through the Lord Jesus Christ.

O.K., as the years pass the body no longer works quite as well as it might. And, yes, I live in a friend’s granny flat, my car is 25 years old, my worldly wealth is non-existent, and financially speaking my income puts me among the “poorest” in Australia.

In spite of all that, I consider myself to be rich beyond measure, and I am very much aware that I am one of a very small, and extremely privileged minority of people in the world. Gratitude demands that I give back. Very seldom am I able to give money, but I can give time and effort.

So, if you happen to see me when I am out on an Appeal Day, don’t give me a hard time because you happen to disagree with some aspect of what we do. If you don’t want to give, or if you are not able to give, that’s fine. Just return my smile, say G’day, and keep walking.

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